Law Firm

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Law Firm


Open to sweeping vistas, and to new thinking

Perhaps there’s no surprise that attorneys who collect modern art would want a forward-thinking workplace. And indeed, that was just the case for the founding partners of this San Francisco firm. They sought an environment that reflected their direct, straightforward culture, and enabled them to showcase their stellar collection of art.

The resulting office eschews a traditional, “lawyerly” floorplan and decor. The coveted perimeter spaces that otherwise would be reserved for the most senior attorneys serve instead as communal space. These galleries, which line the long side of the building, ensure that all enjoy equal access to light, views, and art. Transparent and translucent walls, an open inner stairwell, and furnishings that take their visual cues from the artists’ work — and not the judge’s bench — round out an office that makes optimal use of its natural and creative assets.

Work completed by zumaooh team members while at The Woods Group.

Photography by David Wakely Photography